A.E Associates

Assisting companies in global relocation throughout the
United States, Canada, Mexico and Europe

Who We Are

A.E Associates, Inc. is a full-service business promotion and economic development firm. We specialize in assisting companies in their efforts to establish, expand, and/or relocate their businesses in North America and Europe. In today’s highly competive marketplace, it is imperative that your company is aware of and capitalizes upon all available public and private business incentives to which it is entitled. We can assist you in your efforts to grow or relocate your business.

  • Full-Service Business Promotion and Econimic Development Firm
  • Specialize in Business Relocation in North America nd Europe
  • Multilingual Staff Available to Assist Your Company in Overcoming Language Barriers

Services Offered

We offer our clients a full range of consultating services. We can identify a suitable location for your business, establish contact s and arrange meetings with local, state, and federal governaent officials as well as memebers of the business community, and negotiate economic incentive packages on your behalf.

We provide you with pertinent information on your competition, the best areas of a city for your particular enterprise, cost of living and relocatin informatin, transportation infrastructure information, and other data relevant to your relocation or expansion decision. the information which we provide clients substantially increases their ability to make informed strategic business decisions.

  • Site identification and relocation Services
  • Prospecting for Commercial partners
  • On-Site Contract Negotiations
  • Identify and Negotiate Economics Incentive Packages

Our Pledge to you

A.E Associates, Inc. provides the highest level of services and support to our clients. We pledge to uphold the highest levels of respect, integrity, efficiency, innovation, and responsibility in all of our dealings with customerse and clients.

We will provide you with the peronalized service and expert advice to help you achieve your business objectives.

A.E Associates wi ll be there to guide you throught the maze of government regulations, procedures, and red tape. When you commit to us, you can expect personalized service and professional advice.

We will treat your company and its officials with the utmost respoect and candor, safe-guarding your company’s sensitive information and plans as if they were our own.

Please contact us today to discuss how we can help you fulfill your business goals and objectives.

Contact us

Please feel free to contact us at:

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: +1 904 535 0874

United States

Edward R. Brvenik
President & CEO
Chailenda K. Pegues
Vice President, Government Affairs
Davis Loop
Vice President, Economic Devt.
Juliana Jacobs
Director of Research
Helen Hobbs
Translator(French, Polish & Russian)
Marianna Mina
Translator(Italian & Spanish)
Sussane Williams
Andrea Brvenik, ESQ.
Attorney at Law


Allesandro Ferrone
Sr. Vice President,
Counselor at Law(Napoli, Italy)
Giovanna Barca
Sr. Vice President,
Counselor at Law(Napoli, Italy)
Jacek Dabrowski
Polish Representative
Michelle Gaudino
Economic Development Specialist
(Barcelona, Spain)
Nada Ferrone
International Public Relations
(Gaeta, Italy)

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AE Associates © 2022 All Rights Reserved